Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Metro - Cheaper to Buy Pack of 10

Since I live in the 6eme which is very centrally located, I can walk to school (very easily) and pretty much anywhere in Paris. I prefer walking because I cannot afford a gym membership,* and running in the snow for a half-Floridian doesn't seem amusing. It is also necessary to emancipate oneself from the result of endless croissants, pain au chocolat, and macarons that somehow magically find their way into your system upon entering the great delectable country of France. Really I have no idea how that happens. They just... one second I'm looking through a boulangerie vitrine, then I pass out, then there are very suspicious croissant flakes all over my shirt! How did that happen!? I did not approve this beforehand!

But, I digress. Point is I walk. Since I take the metro so rarely, I haven't bothered getting a Navigo pass or a student pass. I used to just buy tickets every time - not smart.

If you're going the ticket route, do yourself the favor at least and buy a pack of 10 at a time (carnet de dix tickets). It costs 11.60 euro. If you were to buy them individually, at 1.60 euro a pop, 10 would cost you 16 euro. See? Also, the tickets work for buses! And they're also cheaper than paying the bus fare itself. Happy transport!

*(and neither can most Parisians from what I gather - there's no gym culture here like the US, space is limited and prices are exorbitant)

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